The Effect of Finite Element Discretisation on the Stationary Distribution of SPDEs

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details: : The Effect of Finite Element Discretisation on the Stationary Distribution of SPDEs. Communications in Mathematical Sciences, vol. 10, no. 4, pp. 1143–1159, 2012.
online: DOI:10.4310/CMS.2012.v10.n4.a6, journal
preprint: arXiv:1110.4653, preprint:pdf
metadata: BibTeX, Google
keywords: SPDEs, finite element discretisation, stationary distribution
MSC2000: 60H35, 60H15, 65C30


This article studies the effect of discretisation error on the stationary distribution of stochastic partial differential equations (SPDEs). We restrict the analysis to the effect of space discretisation, performed by finite element schemes. The main result is that under appropriate assumptions the stationary distribution of the finite element discretisation converges in total variation norm to the stationary distribution of the full SPDE.

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