Frontier Research

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Today I got an email from a Dr. R. K. Dixit (HON), bringing good news:

I came across to your research paper titled "Upper and Lower Bounds in Exponential Tauberian Theorems" and feel that your research is having a very good impact. With a view to begin a long-term fruitful association with you, I invite you to submit your upcoming research articles / papers for publication in Global Journal of Science Frontier Research (GJSFR), an international double blind peer reviewed research journal.

It seems that I could be an expert in Frontier Research!!! The email refers to the following paper:

While this is a nice paper (it got much better during the refereeing process; had I known this in advance I would have submitted it to a better known journal), it is still a relief to hear that the paper has very good impact. Google currently doesn't know of any citations of my paper.

As it happens, the publisher of GJSFR, Global Journals Inc. (US), is also listed on Beall's list of potential, possible, or probable predatory scholarly open-access publishers.

This is an excerpt from Jochen's blog.
Newer entry: the book is out!!!
Older entry: about the "Gem Forge" in Infinity Blade 2

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